Thursday, March 11, 2010

down,down n down...

semalam ada pejumpaan ngn lecturers anatomy...
seriusly,result anat aku kali neh mmg trok..wlpon xdela smpai fail tp still tergolong dlm golongan C and below..sob3..
what im gonna do???lecturers fault??or my own fault??
too many wasting time?fb too much??hmmm..i donno what to do..
rse sgt kcwa ngn diri sendiri..why i cannot make up all of this thing??
ade satu perkara pling aku rsa sedey when my lec say..
>>sy tgk muka2 yg dlm group neh suma intelligent belaka..but y get worse result??
sy tahu yg berada dlm kos neh suma pointer hebat2 blaka..kalu x,xkn la u all lyak dpt msuk kos neh rite??adkh slh2 lecturers when ur result truk mcneh?then we should'nt be here...
*dush2* again *dush2*
hearing those words make my heart so hancur leburrr..n sgt sedey..trasa dri nih sgt trok bla brada di UKM neh especially dlm Kos ini..
dengar mcm biase2 jek eh kos aku??more deeper than medic i think kteowg pnye subjek.
medic more on practical..sbb dorg mmg akan handling ngn patient ja nnt.
aku neh??bkal2 saintis yg akn mengkaji all of penyakit,struktur,what so ever in human!fuhh~
aku dh kecewakn lecturer2 aku..dh musnhkn hrpn yg dorg put on us..doshittae????

aku sket pon x slhkn lecturer2 aku..sbb dorg mmg x slh..
aku suka cra dowg mengaja..sgt bgos.thumbs up!
im so sorry prof fadzil n prof dh kecewakan anda berdua..tlh menyushkn anda so sorry...

i will make sure i get a better result for this final..
yes i will..
so,aku amek kptusan utk terminate fb account aku..sob3~
i have to..
sbb aku rsa mmg aku sgt2 adiccted to fb..mmg slh aku.aku yg x pndai manage time.
so,aku mengambil kptsn ini.x lari ke mna pon fb neh.but my future is much much more important!cahyok2 aina!!u can do it!!

p/s>>to my mom n dad,don worry.akak akn cuba naikkn blek kecemerlangan akak mcm dlu2 blek..yes i will..pray 4 me..miss both of u damn much..sob3~


  1. owh..bertaubat ade sbb upenye..hahaha..bgoslarh..ak insyaALLAH akn trminate fb bln 4..hahaha..camat stdy yer..luv ya..:)

  2. okey dear~muahx~same goes to you ye..=)
